Hagia Sophia, which is one of the outstanding monuments in the history of art in our planet, had been called a "Megalo Ecclesia" (meaning a colossal church ) at its first construction. This great monument has, however, been called as Sophia since the Fifth Century. This architectural marvel was not, however, dedicated to a Saint as one may think, but has been dedicated to the Holy Wisdom (Theia Sophia), which is the second element of the Christian Trinity .The populace of Byzantium continued for a long time to call this church as "Megalo Ecclesia " .After the conquest of Byzantium in 1453, the name Hagia Sophia has survived to modern times.
The first church was inaugurated with pomp and circumstance on February 15, 360 A.D. The building was like its contemporary religious edifices, was built with a wooden roof on an oblong basilica. Saint John Chrysostom, the Patriarch of Constantinople (Istanbul) , was for a long time in constant struggle with the Empress Eudoxia, wife of Emperor Arcadius (395-408) .As a result of a dispute over a silver- plated statue of the empress to be erected outside of, but in the close vicinity of the church, the Patriarch was sent to exile on June 20, 404, and during the riots that immediately followed his exile, the church was partly burned down. Its restoration was completed in the reign of Emperor Theodosius II ( 408-450) .After a long period of repairs, the church was inaugurated again on October 10, 415. This newly restored Hagia Sophia was to stand intact for slightly more than a century. At the time of Emperor Justinian, the Great (527-565), just before the realization of the Sixth Century, a strong feud started in Byzantium between the Blues and the Greens.
These were, at first, sports clubs so- named as they were groups participating at the horse races in the Hippodrome, and bearing those colours respectively. But later on, these groups assumed political identities, and began to turn into instruments reflecting the different tendencies of the people. As time went by, the Blues assumed the representation of Orthodoxism and the big land owners, while the Greens represented the Monophysi- tes, tradesmen and artisans. The ranks in the political, social and religious strata of the society thus became clearly distinct in the conflict between the Blues and the Greens. In 532 A.D., the Blues and the i iGreens joined forces in rebelling against emperor Justinian, the Great. The riots breaking out first in the Hippodrome, and known in history as "the Nika riots" (Nika meaning "to conquer" ) , soon spread out to the entire city .The fire breaking out during the ensuing tumult, caused Hagia Sophia to burn down. The emperor, who had accepted defeat and was about to flee, saved his crown thanks to his wife, the empress Theodora, who sent out Generals Narces and Balisarius to suppress the rebellion. The Palace Guards, attacking the rebels, restored the law and order by putting ten thousands of rebels to the sword.
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